Golembiesky Family 2017 {Ruhl's Tree Farm in Phoenix, MD}

I have been so excited to share this post with you all! When Kim emailed me and told me she wanted to do a matching Christmas pajama shoot I was all in. Each year gets better and better photographing this family! Not only were there adorable Christmas pajama's, but these 5 also decorated one of the Christmas trees and shared hot chocolate with marshmallows. It was a cozy session at Ruhl's Tree Farm!

I know these kinds of blog posts can make it seem like life is perfect and everything is amazing. But we all know that is not reality! I think that is the beauty of having images like this to look at throughout the year. There is nothing like having images of joy and laughter to treasure forever. And there is so much joy in this family! Photographs stop time and capture relationships and kids right where they are at. That is one of my favorite parts of my job! 

Enjoy these images of the wonderful Golembiesky family!

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with your loved ones!