The Anders family just welcomed baby Nathanael into their family! This one-week-old little boy was so darling. His siblings Cayden & Brandt loved to hold and kiss their new brother.
I couldn't resist posting another all black and white image newborn shoot!! The images in black and white are timeless which is fitting for a little newborn.
Little Griffin was born two weeks ago and is as cute as can be!! Most of the shots I took were of the sweet newborn, but I also got some with his older brother Grayson. Those two are adorable together!!
The Trueschler family has a new little member. Baby boy Emerson!! He is so darling. I went to Young Life Campaigners bible study when I was in high school at Bryan Trueschler's parents house.
Fall is everyone's favorite time for photo shoots! It really is an awesome time of year because the weather is beautiful and it is right before Christmas. Everyone loves a good Christmas card picture :)