The most precious set of twins that you ever did see! When Ashley emailed me and asked if I wanted to do a shoot for her twin girls and their twin cousins I was all in! These two sets of twins were born two weeks apart and are now two years old! They celebrated with sweet ballerina dresses from Ele Story, bouquets and flower crowns from Flowers and Fancies, and a delicious cake from SugarBakers Cakes.
We went to Sherwood Gardens and the weather was glorious. As you can imagine with 4 two-year-olds, it was tough to get pictures of them ALL happy, but playing ring around the rosie was the trick. They danced around and ran through the flowers having a blast. Then it was time to bring out the cake! We had them hide their eyes while we were getting the cake ready and it made for the most adorable picture.
They were so patient for the cake and loved eating it together in a little circle. It was a blast taking photos of these precious cousins! Enjoy the images!

So darling!

These flower crowns are adorable.

We tried to get one of them all smiling but meltdowns were happening! I think it is still so cute.

I told her to give her cousin a kiss. Haha!

Going for a walk together. It reminds me of the Secret Garden!

Oh no! Tripped over a root. Everyone is okay!

Snack break!

Sweet sisters.

Sissy kisses!

So precious.

Waiting for the cake!

This cake is gorgeous!


Trying on Mama's shoes. Adorable!

Loved this session! Happy Birthday girls! In case you missed it, check out sweet baby Adelyn's newborn session!