Payton's Second Birthday! {Sesame Street} — Anna Grace Photography

Payton's Second Birthday! {Sesame Street}

I still can’t believe Payton will be TWO this week! She has a few different TV shows she likes, but recently she has loved Sesame Street. So I thought it would be fun to throw her an Elmo birthday party! Rachel and I had fun pinning lots of ideas and creating our favorites. There is nothing like using cheap materials to make something adorable! As the weeks went by and more decorations for the party were added to the kitchen table, Payton would see them and say, “Elmo birthday!” It was so cute.

We had a blast celebrating our precious girl at our church Grace Fellowship Church in the preschool room. It was the perfect location for the party because the room is set up with mini rooms that make it look like a little town! All of the kids had a blast and the Elmo walker balloon was a big hit.

Payton was very shy when it came to singing Happy Birthday, but she loved eating the icing and enjoyed a cookie monster cupcake. Enjoy these images from Payton’s second birthday party!

Thank you to everyone who came out and made our girl feel so loved! It was a wonderful celebration and we are so thankful for our beautiful Payton! Here’s to TWO!! In case you missed it, check out our favorite images from our 2018 wedding season!
