You may remember these precious sisters from their adorable ballerina shoot last year! Now they are three and celebrated with the cutest Easter and bunny theme. We started the session with a little Easter egg hunt. The girls were SO excited to find eggs with nail polish and candy inside!
After the egg hunt, we moved into a fun time of dancing to the classic, “Let it Go!” The twins ended the session with a birthday cake with delicious cupcakes. They were so generous after the session, the girls shared their extra cupcakes with other kids at the park. So cute!
Enjoy these images from their third birthday session!

Waiting for mom to hide the eggs!

How cute is this little bunny basket?!

She found nail polish in her egg and was so excited!

Had to do some twirling with mom!

Ashley, you are a beautiful mama!

Then the girls wanted to hide them for mom to find… so precious!

Checking out each egg!

She found a flower for mom… so sweet!

Best friends.

These girls have so much joy!!

Patiently waiting for the cupcakes!

The most adorable cake!

You go for it girl, no shame!

Sharing with mom!

And then the bunny came off the cake haha!

Happy Birthday girls!! You are so adorable. In case you missed it, check out handsome baby Harrison’s newborn session!