What a year! Looking back, 2017 was an incredible year and God provided in big ways. Having Payton, continuing to work with amazing couples, learning how to run a small business and be a mom, and fun trips with Kevin. I am also continuing to realize that there is joy to be found in the day-to-day. Slowing down, being present in each moment. It is possible to be productive during work time yet also be able to enjoy downtime without being stressed about everything there is to do. And God's grace covers those times we do snap at our husbands or try to get way too much done in one day! I am hoping to leave space for the in-between moments this year.
All of that being said, our 2017 wedding season was one of my favorites thus far! We had the chance to work at some new venues with many amazing couples. I wanted to share some of our favorite images from each wedding day as a portfolio post.
A fun aspect of our 2017 wedding season was we got to shoot two weddings that had AGP sister brides in them! Kim and Kristine both got married this year and are sisters; and Kim is now expecting her first little babe! Then we shot Kate's sister Emily's wedding this year at the same venue that her sister got married. And the venue was their childhood home Olde River Farm. So special!
I love how different and unique each wedding was in the details and style of the day. Enjoy these images from our 2017 wedding season!
Mike & Missy

Tim & Mary Ellen

Kim's wedding on the left, Kristine's wedding on the right. Shooting these two sisters' weddings this year was a blast. We love the Wayson family!

Another beautiful pair of sisters! The left was Kate's wedding four years ago, and Emily's wedding this year on the right!

Thanks for following our work! And a big thanks to all of these couples and their families for making our job easy. Happy 2018! And in case you missed it, check out the behind the scenes images from our 2017 wedding season!