Our son Grayson John Paulovkin was born at 5:39pm on January 4th measuring 21 1/4 inches long and weighing 9lb 3oz! We are over the moon in love with this little guy and grateful I was able to have a safe delivery.
Kyra & Dennis {The Christian Royer House in Westminster, MD}
Paulovkin Maternity | Grayson John {Cockeysville, MD}
It is hard to believe I am 30 weeks pregnant with baby Gray! I feel like I have been pregnant for so long but I also can’t believe he will be here soon. My sweet friend Anna and I take each other’s family photos every fall and this year just happened to also be my maternity session. The leaves were gorgeous at the Maryland Agricultural Resource Council in Cockeysville and the girls had a blast throwing the leaves!
Dwight & Ta'Kia | Anniversary {Towson, MD}
This session was such a treat! Dwight and Ta'Kia celebrated 10 years of marriage this summer and have a beautiful daughter. We did their Anniversary session at the Courthouse during golden hour and it was perfect. After the photos, they had a delicious dinner at 7 West Bistro Grille with their closest friends. So fun!
Stephen & Caroline | Engaged {Baltimore Country Club in Lutherville-Timonium, MD}
Molly & Aaron {Private Residence in Owings, MD}
Cap Cod Vacay {Chatham, MA}
Every year we make it a priority to take a week long beach trip in this summer with just our little family. It is always a highlight of the year! This year we went to the Cape and it was amazing. The last time we were in Cape Cod, we were shooting Jack and Katherine’s wedding at the Chequessett Yacht and Country Club. It was a blast going back for vacation to explore and show the kids around!
Zachary & Sydney {Private Residence in Harwood, MD}
We had our first wedding in 2020 and it was definitely different than originally planned. However, Zach and Sydney’s small wedding celebration was just as special and beautiful. Especially because the wedding took place in the front yard of Sydney’s childhood home! Because of the gathering restrictions of 10 people or less, they chose to only have their parents and siblings at the ceremony. Thankfully because of technology, they were able to Zoom the rest of their wedding guests in to watch!
Payton is Three! {Build-A-Bear + Daniel Tiger}
I can’t believe Payton is T H R E E! We had a blast celebrating her birthday at Build-A-Bear with a few of her closest friends. They each stuffed an animal and loved picking out an outfit for their new friend. The best part was each of Payton’s friends got to put a little heart inside of Payton’s bunny so they would always be with her. So sweet!
Legacy of Love | Wedding Clients Becoming Family Clients
2019 was the year of babies! I had the opportunity to fulfill a business dream of mine to take newborn + family photos for past wedding clients. One of the goals I have for my business is to encourage and document a legacy of love. A legacy of love between the husband and wife onto their children through photography that will last for generations. These 10 families are just the beginning of this amazing legacy!
Best of 2019 | Engagements
Best of 2019 | Weddings
This post took a little longer than normal because of how busy we were this past fall! We had an incredible wedding season in 2019 and worked with so many amazing couples. I wanted to showcase some of our favorite images from the season. Each wedding was so different and capturing the different love stories is a joy!
Krissa & Nadav | Engaged {Oregon Ridge Park in Cockeysville, MD}
Behind the Scenes 2019
What a year! In 2019 we shot 15 weddings, 10 engagement sessions, 45 family sessions, 12 maternity sessions, and 21 newborn sessions. So many amazing clients and relationships we had the honor to capture! I love doing this behind the scenes post every year to show you all what the environment was like where the images were taken and the different ways we get our shots.